Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Finding Free Apps...

I am a little behind this week on our Free App of the Week, so instead of continuing with the tradition, I thought I would share some of my favorite resources for finding free apps. 

Apps for Finding Free Apps

AppsFire: Everyday there are new free apps listed. You can even customize the types of apps you want to see everyday. Very user friendly and easy to use.

AppsGoneFree: Everyday see 5-10 apps that are free for the day. Not all educational apps, but a quick way to oversee a handful of apps that have gone free for the day. 

Email Alerts

One of my favorite resources for finding free apps is SmartAppsForKids. When you first open up their website, look to the right hand side. You can sign up for email reminders. They will not send you a million emails, typically they send just one a day. From that email, you can access all of their free and discounted apps. This website is also a great resource for finding good educational apps that have been tested by others in the field of education. They also have SmartAppsForAndroid and SmartAppsForSpecialNeeds. A lot of high quality resources. 

If you are a memeber of TCEA you can sign up for their free app alerts, or you can follow them on twitter @TCEA and everyday they tweet out a few free apps. 

Just want to find good apps based on topic or subject?

Common Sense Media has a wonderful list of apps and games that are great for school. Also, Appitic is a great resource for finding apps for education. Amazing website that is also very easy to navigate. 

Your FLI,