Sunday, August 25, 2013


This year all of the DSISD elementary campuses participated in a Meet the Teacher Fotobabble project for students and parents. Each teacher created a Fotobabble and then pasted a QR code outside of their door for Meet the Teacher Night. Us FLIs were blown away by the creativity and excitement so many teachers showed. We were so blown away, that we had to post a favorite from each campus! 

Rooster Springs Elementary School
Adam Kenton

Dripping Springs Elementary School
Missy Kollman

Walnut Springs Elementary School
Liz Ridenour

We greatly appreciate each and everyones participation! Feel free to link your Fotobabble in the comments, or if you have a great idea for a classroom use of Fotobabble please share! Have a great first week with your kids!

Your FLI,

App of the Week

This marks the first of many posts where we will feature a favorite fabulous free app (FFFA) that we or a reader loves, and some suggestions for use! 

If you were in the 4th or 5th grade science and writing workshop or in any of Hollis' Envision Innovation workshops you have heard of Chirp! However, if not, get excited because Chirp just might change your life, or your classroom management.

Chirp allows you to share a URL, Photo, or text message with any other device that also has Chirp open. The item is shared through a unique sound known as a chirp. When searching for this app in the iTunes Store, be sure to select "iPhone app." Or you can just select this link:

Imagine the possibilities. Quickly and easily share links with students with just one click! It's truly a favorite! If you are already a Chirp user, please comment on ways that you've used Chirp! 

If you need any help or ideas for use, make sure you stop by your CL&I and your campus FLI will be thrilled to assist you.

Have a fabulous first week! We are all cheering you on!

        Your FLI,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Envision Innovation

Yesterday was Dripping Spring ISD's first annual Envision Innovation conference for elementary teachers. Although it was a long day, it was a day filled with many "ah-ha" moments and excitement. I talked with many teachers yesterday who seemed to be inspired and filled with great ideas. Some of the highlights of my day were....
  • Speaking with Jan Rice who has this wonderful idea for helping her third grade students really understand the layout and location of all of the important places in our Dripping Springs Community. 
  • Watching people get silly at the photo booth (awesome pictures to come). I think Jennifer Payne's  picture is one of my favorites. 
  • Watching Kristen Northrup win the iPad Mini. I wish I had a picture of that moment. Her excitement and joy when her name was called was a priceless moment. 
  • Presenting about Digital Books with Vicki Lynch and the engagement and excitement that group showed. Also, having a student come in and read her digital book to us was a treat. 
  • The Envision Innovation round table, where wonderful and dedicated DSISD parents and teachers shared with us their thoughts, concerns, and ideas. 
There were so many wonderful moments that happened yesterday! Including the fact that we were on the News! Check it out here: 
Your  FLI,
Katie Hollis